Visit our gift shop and healing center in downtown Duluth
Namaste Gifts & Healing
400 W. Superior St. Duluth, MN 55802
Store Hours
10:30 am - 5:00 pm
By Anita Moorjani
Following her near-death experience as shared in the New York Times best-seller Dying to Be Me, Anita Moorjani knows well the truths that exist beyond common knowledge and acceptance. The clarity she has gained has led her to further understand who she was born to be.
Part of that truth has involved contemplating the cultural myths infused into our everyday lives. Passed down from generation to generation, these myths are pervasive and influential. From the belief we reap what we sow to the idea we must always be positive, cultural myths are often accepted as truths without questioning. Moorjani asserts it is now time for questioning in order to help us reach our fully informed, authentic selves.
Moorjani explores these common myths in their real-world existence while presenting examples from her own life that reveal the falsehoods beneath the surface. By freeing ourselves from these ubiquitous expectations, we can break open an honest pathway to life as it was meant to be lived.
Namaste Gifts and Healing Center is a family owned and operated business that opened in 2014. We carry an array of products for the mind, body, spirit and home. We have a wide range variety of crystals and minerals, as well as crystal jewelry, and many other unique gifts. All the things we offer here for our customers, we believe in and they have helped to to bring us to where we are today. In addition to our webstore, our store in Minnesota has an ever-changing plethora of products that aren't on our website. If their is something very specific you are looking for, please feel free to get in contact with us.
Peace & Love
Visit our gift shop and healing center in downtown Duluth
Store Hours
10:30 am - 5:00 pm